Black therapists in Atlanta providing culturally relevant mental health & wellness solutions.

You helped me realize I wasn’t broken, but just needed the space to heal. Now I’m more “on purpose” and starting to feel MUCH more relief, joy and ease in my life. Thank you!!
— Testimonial, Former Client

Our Mission

In a world deeply in need of healing, we are each other’s medicine. As counselors, therapists, wellness coaches and helping professionals, our aim is to ethically serve the deepest healing and empowerment of our clients.


Our approach

We acknowledge and affirm that transformational healing and wholeness does not come from us, but comes through us. In this recognition, we are committed to “hold the space” for our clients’ respective healing and empowerment journeys and deliver all professional services with ethical compassion, respect, care and integrity.

Our aim is to utilize the most effective—and culturally relevant—therapeutic wellbeing tools and resources to best serve our client’s needs (i.e., evidence-based treatment coupled with natural, holistic, cultural & communal healing modalities).

If this resonates, schedule a 15-minute no-cost phone consultation to learn more.