Bringing Balance to the Force

March is Women’s History Month and March 8th was International Women’s Day. As I scrolled through the various social media posts and acknowledgements, an open question came to mind: How do we honor the divine feminine in ourselves, in others, and in society?

While every person may embody aspects of both masculine and feminine in various parts of our lives, traits that are stereotyped as feminine have often been ignored or devalued.

What do I mean by stereotypically masculine and feminine traits? Here’s a not-at-all definitive but quick list to help illustrate (see below).

Masculine: Competitive, Assertive, Protective, Goal-oriented, Logical, Independent, Focused on doing

Feminine: Collaborative, Yielding, Nurturing, Relationship-oriented, Intuitive, Interdependent, Focused on being

As a sci-fi fan and reformed Star Wars nerd, it brought to mind the idea of “Bringing Balance to the Force”. What happens when we don’t have balance? In our lives? In our relationships? Within the collective?

As we celebrate Women’s History Month, International Women’s Day, and the cultural, political, and socioeconomic achievements of women, I’ll pose two open questions:

  • How does the idea of “bringing balance to the Force” relate to Black mental health and wellness?

  • How can we honor the beauty, strength and necessity of both the divine masculine and the divine feminine within ourselves and in our own lives?

The peak does not exist without the valley — two aspects of the same beautiful landscape.

Wishing you and yours true peace.

Warm regards,


True Peace Counseling & Wellness